Goautodial CE 2.1
VERSION: 2.6-354c
BUILD: 121029-0122
Asterisk 1.4
intel i3 processor
Outbound Channel: DAHDI
Agent Channel: SIP
1 E1 line
hello forum,
I have 8 numbers on which I want dial multiple times. most of the cases those numbers are busy, but if one numbers connect I want to cancel all dialing till answered call ends. I entered those 8 numbers loop in csv file and uploaded in List, Also I have setup my campaign in ratio mode with dial level of 8. But there is 1 minute delay in loop. first dial tries all 8 numbers to dial for 60 second as i already set dial timeout to 60 sec. But after Hangup of 8 calls Its wait another 60 sec to dial next calls..
Can some one help me with this, what should i fix or what settings should i change to?
Thank you