Consultation on new installation

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Consultation on new installation

Postby devin » Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:30 pm


I using Elastix for my company as a contact center for my customers (only outbound calls) but i would change for Vicidial.

I've installed vidicial server on a separate server and i'm trying to configure by myself. I've managed to configure the server, the ethernet card and the carriers (Asterisk cli said i'm registred with my voip provider. I've used my elastix voip trunk configuration).

Following the tutorial i've tried to set-up a test champaign but at the user agent log in i've received this error:

" Sorry, your phone login and password are not active in this system, please try again: "

I've not to much time to spent on debugging it because i've to follow my other Elastix server:

I search for a consultant who can help me on the follow things:

1) user login probem
2) Set up new carrier (acually i'm using voipdiscount but i would change to freevoipdeal)
3) Overall tips and tricks for my new vicidial server.


Any of the follow languages will be appreciated for the consultation: English, French, Spanish, Italian.
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Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:45 am

Re: Consultation on new installation

Postby steve745 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:59 am

devin wrote:Hello!

I using Elastix for my company as a contact center for my customers (only outbound calls) but i would change for Vicidial.

I've installed vidicial server on a separate server and i'm trying to configure by myself. I've managed to configure the server, the ethernet card and the carriers (Asterisk cli said i'm registred with my voip provider. I've used my elastix voip trunk configuration).

Following the tutorial i've tried to set-up a test champaign but at the user agent log in i've received this error:

" Sorry, your phone login and password are not active in this system, please try again: "

I've not to much time to spent on debugging it because i've to follow my other Elastix server:

I search for a consultant who can help me on the follow things:

1) user login probem
2) Set up new carrier (acually i'm using voipdiscount but i would change to freevoipdeal)
3) Overall tips and tricks for my new vicidial server.


Any of the follow languages will be appreciated for the consultation: English, French, Spanish, Italian.

Edited :---> Set you campaign time to 24 hours while testing if it's set to 9-5 and it's 6 that is the message you will get. I get this often because i work in the middle of the night

Ok I'm not Vicimaster and Never worked with elastic. I do however have 3 Current installs that I manage and have deployed from the ground up. I recomend getting the ISO for the Current Vicibox and do a fresh install. What are you server specs are you going to cluster or use 1 mighty server to do the job? Setting up users is pretty basic and Voip providers are easy too. It gets harder when you start using t lines or analog pots lines.

Tip #1. You have come to the Right Place. This forum is very active and you can get the answer to anything. I really mean everything.

If you can't or don't want the headache send me a us phone #
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Re: Consultation on new installation

Postby williamconley » Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:16 pm

1) We charge $105 for a 3 hour basic Vicidial course (Q/A welcome during the course). It covers Basic Vicidial only, and this should allow you to get your server off the ground.

2) However: for your immediate issue of login fail, it almost always turns out that you merely used invalid phone login and phone pass. They reside in Admin->Phones and the field names are quite obvious: phone login and phone pass. Be careful you are not grabbing the wrong values from the wrong locations. :)
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Re: Consultation on new installation

Postby omarrodriguezt » Thu May 02, 2013 2:44 pm

You can found more information in the wiki ... _try_again
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