The internet line sucks

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The internet line sucks

Postby B.lee2 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:02 pm

Hey there,

@ work, the internet really sucks. And as such the VOIP quality kinds of sucks. Words disappear,etc.

I have noticed that it was worse when there was a lot of people. Sometime it comes to a crawl or stops altogether and people start complaining about others who stream videos on youtube.

I'm not sure what causes this. I know the network was setup 5 years ago. I got a "white" carrier.

Is there a way to monitor the speed of the internet and uptime so that I can call @ the hours where the internet is not so bad?
I don't have access to the switches or routers till march at least so...

(Also, it is to give me ammo to push for a better internet connection, and who knows, maybe a backup line)
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Re: The internet line sucks

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:17 pm

If you have users streaming YouTube and Twitter and Facebook and Limewire and Torrents on your system, your Internet will never be reliable enough to use VOIP with more than a couple users. You'll need to get a completely separate VOIP pipeline set up. With traditional telephones, EACH line is dedicated and charged for. If you don't bother with dedicated bandwith for VOIP, of course it'll fail. Just like cars are better than horses ... unless you don't feel like purchasing GAS. LOL
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Re: The internet line sucks

Postby B.lee2 » Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:59 pm

yeah, everyone brings their own laptops and do their own thing... :evil:

Unfortunately, there's no way that it'll change in the next two months because the IT position is essentially vacant and I don't have access to anything.
I'd just like to show others that the line objectively sucks and see if there's a pattern.

I can set my own hours so I plan I'm just going to drop by when there's nobody
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Re: The internet line sucks

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:14 pm

Unless you can access the router and limit traffic in some fashion. QoS ... perhaps even better would be a second router or another method that would allow you to limit the Other traffic but allow yours through.
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