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williamconley wrote:Unless you want to wait for our distro this spring/summer which will be Ubuntu 12.04LTS.
or you could install virtualbox (in ubuntu: apt-get install virtualbox) and boot up the iso in there.
williamconley wrote:If you check the vicibox (or any other distro) based primary installation scripts, you'll find that the cron user is indeed created. That user is expected to "exist" and have credentials in the astguiclient.conf file before the file is run. There is a sample in each method of installation. If you have gone to all this trouble to build a "more friendly" modular version of, it would be worth your time to either put back in the missing pieces...
Normally, a database administrator first uses CREATE USER to create an account, then GRANT to define its privileges and characteristics. For example:
CREATE USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
GRANT ALL ON db1.* TO 'jeffrey'@'localhost';
GRANT SELECT ON db2.invoice TO 'jeffrey'@'localhost';
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'jeffrey'@'localhost' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 90;
However, if an account named in a GRANT statement does not already exist, GRANT may create it under the conditions described later in the discussion of the NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER SQL mode.
williamconley wrote:... or post what you have to the Vicidial Issue Tracker (link at top of page) in case it turns out to be useful.
williamconley wrote:The choices of asterisk versions (or ANYTHING else for that matter inside do not have to do with "installing" those applications, but configuring vicidial to work with them. So choosing asterisk 1.2 does not install asterisk 1.2, it merely copies the appropriate configuration files so Vicidial issues the correct commands for asterisk 1.2. If you were to create a custom ".conf" file set for asterisk 11, that would certainly be in line with the existing system.
However: I do not believe that I have heard a complaint about cron being missing during this phase, and I am unaware of "" requiring database access (unless you added that as a requirement).
##### BEGIN attempt to connect to database, if successful then update code information in database #####
use DBI;
$dbhA = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$VARDB_database:$VARDB_server:$VARDB_port", "$VARDB_user", "$VARDB_pass")
or warn "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;
williamconley wrote:If you have modified to actually install applications instead of it's present usage which is merely to install the vicidial scripts ... (not create databases, nothing related to DB, just copying the scripts into place as was its original intent ...), then that would be where your problem lies.
The Vicidial Installation system is segregated. DB and Scripts and Applications are NOT mixed in any way. The distro install (which happens before ANY vicidial scripts are copied) is responsible for installing all necessary applications,
after which it creates the database and DB environment (such as modifying my.cnf and creating db users).
This is subjective. I still have clients using it. But read on.bghayad wrote:It is too much OLD to install Vicibox 1.0.0RC2 ?
You would upgrade to the latest ViciDIAL version. SVN upgrades viciDIAL not viciBOX. ViciBOX is the installer, vicidial is the software being installed. It is not necessary to upgrade the "installer" as its purpose is to supply the software. And there ARE upgrade instructions for ViciDIAL from any earlier version to the latest version. Without "reinstalling", just upgrading from that earlier version to the latest. It is, however, best to merely use an existing vicidial installer. Much simpler.bghayad wrote:Do you mean if I upgraded to latest svn, I will reach to latest vicibox version?
bghayad wrote:Any documentation link to do this and reach for asterisk 1.8?
bghayad wrote:Can I understand that Vicibox 1.0.0RC2 is based on linux?
Yes. In fact, that is the recommended method. Install with Vicibox 4.0.3 and follow the instructions for asterisk 1.8 elsewhere on this forum. Perhaps in DomeDan's link although I did not look. But: New DAHDI version is something you'll have to check. (After all, "New" is not a Version Number ...)bghayad wrote:Is it possible to have Vicibox 4.0 with OpenSuSe and running asterisk 1.8 and new dahdi version without starting by Vicibox 1.0.0RC2 ?
Is it possible to have Vicibox 4.0 with OpenSuSe and running asterisk 1.8 and new dahdi version without starting by Vicibox 1.0.0RC2 ?
Also, is it possible to do the samething for goautodial without need to start from old version and do delivery? I know that here it is not the right place to ask about goautodial, but in between: if I need to have goautodial with new DAHDI and Asterisk versions, then HOW? Could be by having vicibox 4 with asterisk 1.8 and new DAHDI version and then I can use goautodial interface?
williamconley wrote:If you want ubuntu and asterisk 1.8, install Vicibox 1.0.0RC2 and then upgrade to the latest svn and look up the asterisk 1.8 instructions (very recently entered Beta, but theoretically working to a fair degree).
apb1963 wrote:I've taken the vicidial installation instructions and have been steadily working on scripting it all in bash, and I'd be happy to share those scripts with anyone that wants a copy. I make no guarantees, but it seems to work for me for the most part (so far). I've gotten as far as the "perl" portion.
my goal here is to simply get vicidial up and running with asterisk 11 and ubuntu 12 with the least possible work in the shortest possible time, so I made only what I considered to be the bare minimum changes necessary to save my sanity & soul).
In other words, asterisk 11 can be chosen from the menu in addition to the previous choices of 1.2, 1.4 and 1.8 - however it doesn't actually do much of anything different. It seems that the original choices didn't differ, other than to copy different sample configs. So if one says "no" to the sample configs, then you get the same installation you would have gotten under any version of asterisk/vicidial.
[...snippity snip...]
Again, I'm happy to share the code either for help with debugging or for any other purpose as you see fit.
have in fact been able to get viciDial up and running ... I'm able to bring up the initial administration screen and I've added a user group and a user.
More recent versions of the installer offer 1.8 as an option. Which then copies 1.8 asterisk conf files instead of 1.4 or 1.2 (I presume). But simply changing the 1.4 to 1.8 in admin->servers is certainly worth experimenting with.
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