Very high drop rate!

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Very high drop rate!

Postby aemae » Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:55 pm

Hello everyone, hope your all well!

I am experiencing a very high drop rate, which seems to put me well outside the realm of FTC compliance... I only have 3 agents right now ready to use it, the rest are a little too new, and still getting the marbles out of their mouths hand dialing first.

I have it set to ratio dial, and its dialing at 2.5, is this the only setting related to this? It seems even tho the drop rate is high, they are sitting there for quite sometime before a call is connected, and a lot of the time it is of course voicemail machines.

So how do I lower this drop rate with only 3 agents?

Is there a way to connect the call quicker when the dialer hears "hello" and then slams you in the conversation. Can this be done quicker?

To summarize, I am finding the agents aren't going through as many numbers as I would have guessed, and there is a high drop rate, and there are long wait times... So obviously I have done something wrong somewhere haha :)
| Vicibox 4.0.3 from .iso | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.6-375a build 120831-1523 |Asterisk v.1.4.44-vici | Single Server |
| No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel Dual Core Duo E7600 @ 3.0 Ghz ea |
| Zoiper | Switch2Voip |
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Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:30 am

Re: Very high drop rate!

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:18 pm

1) New agents should NEVER be allowed manual dialing. You are not doing them or yourself any favors with this method.

2) More agents on the campaign = less dropped calls. In other words, bringing in the newbies will reduce your dropped calls for all agents new and old.

3) Modify your
Admin->Servers->[choose server]->Max Calls Per Second
to: ONE (1). Until you have at least 10 agents, then change it to TWO (2).

4) Be sure your Campaign setting for "Available Only Tally" is set to "Y".

5) If you are experiencing a delay between "hello" and agent connect ... be sure you are using Routing Exten 8368 and not an AMD extension. Consider switching to a machine with more cores as well. And be sure this server is Physical and not Virtual, LOL.
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Re: Very high drop rate!

Postby aemae » Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:26 pm

1) Why no manual dialing? I have given them a list of live lead transfers that were returned or never scheduled. They ave expressed some interest in the past, and even though one would assume give the best leads to the best agents, I find that my more experienced agents prefer to cold call and hate the "old shit" whereas the newbies have a greater chance of booking the appointment, which makes them more money and basically keeps them stoked.

2) you are right, I totally agree here

3) thanks, modified

4) tally was marketed to y

5) I plan to upgrade my hardware very soon, it is physical, not virtual lol, screw that... I am using routing extend 8368, so does this mean the delay lies in the speed of my server, or possibly my internet connection?
| Vicibox 4.0.3 from .iso | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.6-375a build 120831-1523 |Asterisk v.1.4.44-vici | Single Server |
| No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel Dual Core Duo E7600 @ 3.0 Ghz ea |
| Zoiper | Switch2Voip |
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Re: Very high drop rate!

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:34 pm

manual dialing = lazy agents. it is highly likely that you will find that their average talk time is lower than their "non-talk" time. by a pretty fair margin. plus they can "peruse" their leads and "pre-judge" them. there is no point in prejudging any lead. call all of them. give them ALL the FULL pitch. and you'll make maximum sales. unless you are memorizing family names and sports teams in prep for the call, there is no reason to have any information about a lead before they pop onto your screen (ie: only for extreme personalization, not for "pre-judging"). LOL And any "personalization" should be well-scripted anyway, if that information is available it should auto-populate on the vicidial script pane and be read exactly as written by the agent in a simulated "off the cuff" fashion. that's where the sales are. :) But I digress.

Vicidial is designed to maximize an outbound campaign beginning around 5 agents. Above 5 agents, your drop ratio improves and your wait time is much more controllable. Under 5 agents, and either your wait time is too long for the short attention span of amateurish agents or your drop rate is too high to avoid the FCC complains. If you have a high rate of turnover, it is possible to play with the settings in ... special ways to fool the system into improved performance with improved drop ratio, but avoid the "adapt" settings (ie: do not set dial method to any of the adapt options and do not modify any of the "adapt" configuration options to anything other than "balanced" or "even", as they should not be in use anyway but can overload the dialer if you freak them out! Avoid "50 - more intense" at all costs! LOL).

if you are experiencing a delay, you need to examine every millimeter of your install. are your agents logged in or remote? on-hook or regular? is your dialplan unusual? there is always a 1 (or 2 MAX) second delay, but anything beyond that is excessive and should be eradicated.
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Re: Very high drop rate!

Postby aemae » Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:08 pm

okay thank you for the info. To answer your questions the agents are logged in within the LAN in the office where the server is. Also they are all using headsets and the zoiper soft phone. Is there a way to see the exact delay time? Its hard to tell, I guess I can just ask someone lol how long before I said hello??
| Vicibox 4.0.3 from .iso | ViciDial SVN Trunk v.2.6-375a build 120831-1523 |Asterisk v.1.4.44-vici | Single Server |
| No Digium/Sangoma Hardware | No Extra Software After Installation | Intel Dual Core Duo E7600 @ 3.0 Ghz ea |
| Zoiper | Switch2Voip |
Posts: 32
Joined: Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:30 am

Re: Very high drop rate!

Postby williamconley » Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:50 pm

have it call you on your cell. and be sure you are the only logged in agent in that campaign. then try again with a regular agent on the regular campaign (just put your cell in the regular list ... and when you get the call make a conscious effort to remember how long it is between "hello" and the agent sound.

but you can always look at the asterisk cli and trace calls to see the exact time of each occurrence. just remember that they are 'intermingled' for this method so you'll have to search for the strand that includes just the call you are tracing. :)
Vicidial Installation and Repair, plus Hosting and Colocation
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