Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

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Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby raloheni » Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:39 am

VERSION: 2.6-392a |BUILD: 130102-1135
goautodial ce 2.1 upgrade to latest SVN

i am running inbound campaign with one ingroup with three agents, all select ingroups (agent direct and other ingroups and alos blended)
below options are selected
Allow Closers: Y
Allow Inbound and Blended : Y
Allowed Inbound Groups:
Allowed Transfer Groups ; Agentdirect and other ingroup

problem is
i am able to receivie inbound calls but if transfer to another agent , its not landing to that agent.
i am able see in cli showing
NOTICE[15444]: chan_local.c:508 local_call: No such extension/context agentname@default while calling Local channel
[Mar 8 22:57:52] NOTICE[15444]: channel.c:3291 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to call channel Local/agentname@default

why its dialling in default context when i transfer to a agent
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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby williamconley » Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:22 am

you should be following the manager's manual instructions for use of agentdirect

or better yet ...

follow the manager's manual instructions for setting up a closer. fronter/closer setup is the preferred method for transfer between agents instead of sending the call to an individual agent, you send the call to the "transfer group" (which has closers in it). you can make a transfer group for each closer if necessary.

but tell us which page/line of the manual you crash on and we can walk you through it.

for the agentdirect, your above cli output implies your sending agent is typing in the Name of the agent to send the call to. this is not how agentdirect works. which is why using the Vicidial Manager's Manual to configure your agentdirect use would be a good idea. consider sending the call to the extension or dialplan for the agent in question instead. experiment with every possibility and you'll get it (but I still prefer the transfer groups with closers in them! much better! 8-) )

good job posting your installer method with version AND your vicidial version with build. :)
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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby raloheni » Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:42 am

thanks william for responding

as i cant see any doc regarding this feature in manager manual or in agent manual

below is the screen shoot, as vicidial have option to transfer a call to another agent , but its not working

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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby williamconley » Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:05 am

as i said "number to call" is not the name of an agent. try all possible values for the agent (agent id, user, phone extension, dialplan number from the phone entry ...).

or use the Transfer Group version. If you create a transfer group (which is another work for Ingroup), for each of the closers, they would all appear in the same dropdown as the AgentDirect transfer group ... so they could be selected by name in the dropdown! :)
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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby raloheni » Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:17 am

hi william

then what is the purpose of that RED colour AGENTS link next to number to call.
it only shows if i select AGENTDIRECT from drop down.
and after clicking that RED LINK AGENTS , it shows the avialable agent.
after click any agent it put that id automatically in the number to call field.
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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby dspaan » Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:44 pm

Hey there,

After working with vicidial now for over 3 years and knowing a lot of it's features me too was given the task today to start doing internal agent-to-agent transfers (what a coincidence that this topic was made today! :) ). I did a search in the forum and the only relevant topic i could find was this one: (I know Ruben so i'll ask him if he ever solved it)

It's amazing to me how there are not any more threads about this, people must use this feature...

Anyway, i have the same problems as you. I've read the agent and the manager manual multiple times.

@William - there is no specific chapter that tells you how create setup a fronter/closer setup.
The word 'Closer' is a strange word to me entirely, i've never really understood it. It's used in both manuals hand in hand with the word 'Inbound', then not why just call it inbound? lol
Or does 'closer' mean a person or group that closes/ends/finishes a call which was started by another agent? Seems like a very specific situation to me.

This is what the agent manual says:

Closer Transfers
If your campaign is set up to allow transfers to closers then you can use the pull-down menu next to the
LOCAL CLOSER button to send calls to closer agents if you click on the LOCAL CLOSER button.
You should find out from your manager which closer group you should send your calls to.

A special type of Closer Transfer is an AGENTDIRECT transfer, which is a call that is in a queue for
only one specific agent. If you select an AGENTDIRECT entry from the Local Closer pull-down menu
then an “AGENTS” link will appear to the right of the number to call field. You can click on this link
to see a listing of the available agents that you can make AGENTDIRECT transfers to, and click on
one to select it. From here you can either select the CONSULTATIVE checkbox and click “Dial with
Customer” for an attended transfer, or click on the “Local Closer” button to send the call as a blind

This checkbox is only used for calls where you want to have an attended(or consultative) transfer with
a third party that is another ViciDial agent or in-group on your ViciDial system that you have selected
the Local Closer in-group(and optionally the AGENTDIRECT agent) to send the call to. Then you
select this checkbox and click on the “Dial With Customer” button.

What i have done:

I have made a new ingroup called SELLIT AGENTS for testing
I have an existing campaign which is set to allow closers. In the bottom section i have selected both AGENTDIRECT and SELLIT AGENTS as allowed inbound & transfer groups.
I'm testing with two agents who belong in the ADMIN usergroup, so in that usergroup i've set Agent Status Viewable groups to ALL-GROUPS.
Next one user logs in on computer A and the other on computer B.
Both users select AGENTDIRECT and SELLIT AGENTS as ingroups when logging in.
I made a manual dial outbound call from user A to a testing number. I did TRANSFER-CONF and then AGENTDIRECT is selected by default, i click the AGENTS link, i select agent B, his name is now filled out in the 'number to dial' field. I press the LOCAL CLOSER button and i get to the disposition screen.
A - The customer which has just been transfered to the agent hears nothing for a while and then the call gets hung up
B - Agent B who should receive the call gets nothing

I've also tested the same steps and checking the 'consultative checkbox' and 'dial with customer' but it gives the same result.

When i select the SELLIT AGENTS ingroup as closer group to be transfered to the AGENTS link is gone and i can't choose an agent. This happens although the new ingroup that i've setup is completely the same as the AGENTDIRECT group, it seems this is a system defined group and if you delete it you are screwed lol.

There seems to be something seriously broken here. Looking forward to suggestions.

Final remark: Why do i have to use a local closer button and consultative checkbox in the scenario of transfering to another agent? Why was it built that way? Because the BLIND TRANSFER, PARK CUSTOMER DIAL do exactly the same and now the agent has so many more buttons which potentially allows the agent to screw up in many ways.

edit: I tested this on another vicidial server and here i get a bit further, when i choose direct transfer agent and press 'Dial with customer' the customer hears the music on hold but the problem remains that the agent i want to transfer to does not get any call in his queue. When i press the closer button the customer hears the familiar 'ding' sound and just stays in a confererence room it seems withoug any music on hold! Weird......

This is what i see in the CLI upon doing a DIAL WITH CUSTOMER:

[Mar 8 19:06:49] -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/agi-VDAD_ALL_inbound.agi
[Mar 8 19:06:49] -- IAX2/ answered Local/90009*AGENTDIRECT*CXFER*9568**153010405*spaan01*931jansen01*35*@default-1e6b,2
[Mar 8 19:06:49] -- Playing 'sip-silence' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0)
[Mar 8 19:06:49] -- Playing 'sip-silence' (escape_digits=) (sample_offset 0)
[Mar 8 19:06:49] -- Executing [h@default:1] DeadAGI("Local/90009*AGENTDIRECT*CXFER*9568**153010405*spaan01*931jansen01*35*", "agi://") in new stack
[Mar 8 19:06:49] -- AGI Script agi:// ... ---0-----0 completed, returning 0
[Mar 8 19:06:49] == Spawn extension (default, 90009*AGENTDIRECT*CXFER*9568**153010405*spaan01*931jansen01*35*, 2) exited non-zero on 'Local/90009*AGENTDIRECT*CXFER*9568**153010405*spaan01*931jansen01*35*@default-1e6b,2'
[Mar 8 19:06:51] -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on IAX2/ASTloop-16156
Last edited by dspaan on Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby williamconley » Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:07 pm

You're combining and overcomplicating the transfer process. And you did not show the cli output.

Skip agentdirect completely and do not click on "agents". Create the ingroup and have the RECEIVING agent log in to that ingroup (perhaps on a different campaign for testing to be clear about the segregation). Allow that ingroup as a "transfer group" in the campaign that the SENDING agent is in (if they are both in the same campaign, the ingroup will have both Transfer group and Ingroup selected, but only the RECEIVING agent will select the Ingroup when logging in, not the SENDING agent).

If done properly, the "local closer" dropdown should now have the Transfer group you selected as an option. If you set it to be the "default" transfer group, it will even be preselected. Then when the SENDING agent presses transfer-conf, he can immediately hit local closer (as the transfer group is already selected). Then he'll lose the call (and data) and the recieving agent will get the call (and data).

Depending on your version, you may need to modify the "Ingroup" to allow the closer to use it, that would be at the very bottom of the modify ingroup page.


Fronter Campaign: has sending agent in it, calls are made from this campaign. Will have the "transfer group" checkbox selected and that "transfer group" should be the default one. There will be NO ingroups selected in the campaign, so no option to select an ingroup during login for the sending agent.

Closer Campaign: has receiving agent in it. NO calls are made from this campaign. Only transfers from other agents will ever land here. No leads necessary. Will have the "ingroup" checkbox selected. And the agent will select that Ingroup upon checking.
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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby dspaan » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:06 pm

William, i already tested that scenario. Check my post, it was the SELLIT AGENTS ingroup. Indeed i could select it in the TRANSFER-CONF dialog but the problem on the server i was testing on is that we do transfers there to 0900 numbers so we have some funky dialplans there that must be messing stuff up.

I eventually found the solution by checking the 'Dial override' checkbox. This made the call finally land with the receiving agent, WOOT! Still it's not very user friendly because to make simple transfer to another agent involves the agent having to:

-click transfer-conf
-check the consultative checkbox
-check the dial override checkbox
-park customer dial
-click leave 3-way call or press the local closer button

5 steps for a simple consultative transfer??? What the hell.

The solution you are describing would mean you transfer the customer to the agent direct or another receiving closer ingroup but what i want to do is transfer the customer to a specific agent. Multiple agents are logged into the agent direct group.
Regards, Dennis

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Re: Single Agent Direct Queue - agent to agent transfer

Postby williamconley » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:52 pm

consultative vs not consultative is your choice. and this obviously creates an extra button press (unless you have someone cause this to be a preference in the campaign, to remove the need to press the button).

dial override is because you use funky agent numbers, modify them to match your outbound dial code for 3-way calls (or set your 3-way calls prefix to the first digit of all your agent numbers ... or modify your dialplan to "catch and remove" the dial code so your existing numbers can be used ...?) which adds another button because your system is unusual (your requirement, not vicidials!) LOL

then we are left with transfer-conf, parkcustomer dial, talk, then leave. All of which are required. So 5 buttons is your fault. :) Do not pick on the defenseless software package. You'll hurt it's feelings.

But it would be cool if you did modify for those optional items to become preferences. A lot of people would like that.
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