How to Send Customer Information to another php page?

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How to Send Customer Information to another php page?

Postby sohaib » Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:19 am

Hi there,

I have made a form which will save customer information to my another database, now I want to transfer my customer details from vicidial to my php page. When we make calls the information which comes on agent screen should come to my page automatically as the call started.

Is there any way to do this?

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Re: How to Send Customer Information to another php page?

Postby williamconley » Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:39 pm

Since you installed "from scratch", you should post a link to the installation instructions you used (in case this is ever relevant to the question you are asking, but also in case someone else has a problem who used that set of instructions and you may have Answered a question inadvertently, helping out that other poor lost soul! :) )

Near the bottom of the Campaign modification screen, when in detail mode, there are some available options such as "dispo call url" and "start call url". These will pass information (without agent intervention or knowlege) to another web page.

Additionally, the Web Form (actually there are two of these, web form and web form two) which is closer to the top of the campaign detail view, can create the web form button on the agent's page which can be automatically brought up at the onset of a call (with another setting on the campaign) or activated when the agent pushes the button.

Further, you can use a script (which will show in the Script tab on the agent screen during a call) to send this information to the page AND show the page without bringing up a new window. This page also can be automatically brought up at the onset of a call.

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