Crazy Question....NPANXX rate loader?

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Crazy Question....NPANXX rate loader?

Postby nrc » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:36 am

So since most SIP providers won't offer you a "flat rate" because you do to many short duration calls, you are stuck with a rate table (NPA-NXX).

Has anyone created, or maybe i missed it, a way to load the rates given by the provider into vicidial and have vicidial calculate either on a "test run" bases or a even based on calls already made, what rate each number falls into and a rough number on what your phone bill might look like?

Also, most companies charge a enormous rate .06-.10/min for numbers that are not listed in there NPA-NXX rate table...what if vicidial pulled those numbers from the list, and you (the manager) could determine if you should make the call anyways or just skip it until it gets added to the NPA list?
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Re: Crazy Question....NPANXX rate loader?

Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:54 pm

LCR diaing can be managed through an AGI or a special dialplan or by passing your calls through an application like OpenSIPS in another server (to reduce CPU usage on the Vicidial server, and load on the DB server if you use a DB to store the rates ...). I don't remember seeing one on here recently, but there are many variations available.
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Re: Crazy Question....NPANXX rate loader?

Postby nrc » Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:08 pm

thanks williamconley.
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