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Postby richardroi » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:07 am


We have two campaigns and I want to use two carriers. How can I set it up the way that one carrier directs to Campaign A and another to Campaign B for billing purposes?

Thank you!
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Re: Carrier

Postby richardroi » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:36 pm

Is it possible through " Dial Prefix"?
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Re: Carrier

Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:47 pm

In fact that is the primary purpose of dial prefix.

If you set one carrier up as dial9 and one as dial8 ... you change the prefix to change the carriers. Just be sure your "EXTEN" variable in the dial line has "EXTEN:1" to remove the dial prefix before sending the call to the carrier (after all, the carrier will not know what to do with a "9" in front of the phone number! LOL). 8-)

Samples: (be sure to place each in the appropriate carrier, and be sure to use the appropriate "DIALXTRUNK" variable in each one)

Code: Select all





These do require (obviously) using an appropriate globals string to define the DIALxTRUNK for each carrier.

I'll let you mull over the usage on that last one. It's a personal favorite of mine. LOL Requires X-Lite, though, to get that many digits dialed. 8-)
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Re: Carrier

Postby richardroi » Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:23 pm

Thank you Sir...
Was thinking about the same thing...I got it, but your right I am lost with the last one.
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Re: Carrier

Postby williamconley » Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:48 pm

It allows dialing Zero ... then the number of the person you are CALLING and the CID you want to use while calling them. For instance: You want to call your Mom but use your Dad's Cell Phone CID: Because she's really pissed at you right now and won't answer the phone for YOU, but will answer the phone for DAD. So she sees Dad's cell phone and answers, and you now have about 4 seconds to apologize before she realizes she's been duped.

I'm pretty sure you can come up with other uses, but in my case it is generally used to call back numbers I do not recognize to avoid a call center getting my real number and adding me to a list. 8-)

I hate having my cell or office line on a robodial ... and in this business it happens far too often. This avoids that eventuality. And anybody who "autodials" me back forever on 50 different sales lists, may get an unpleasant surprise. Nuff said. ;)
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Re: Carrier

Postby richardroi » Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:11 am

Sir This is "GREAT"!
Thank you so much!!!
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Re: Carrier

Postby williamconley » Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:50 pm

We aim to please 8-) Now: Thank me by staying and helping newbies. :) It's fun!
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