When I try to export "Export Calls Report" and choose Header Row:YES and Custom Fields:YES, Header rows of custom fields did not export !?
everything else is fine !
Moderators: gerski, enjay, williamconley, Op3r, Staydog, gardo, mflorell, MJCoate, mcargile, Kumba, Michael_N
mflorell wrote:This isn't a problem to be "fixed". If you have a system with more than one list, then you can't guarantee that the field labels will be accurate at the top of an export report with different custom fields in it. If you use a list export, the custom field labels will be present, because you are only gathering one list.
If you have a suggestion for how to "fix" this if there is more than one list, then please let me know how you would do it.
if ( ($custom_fields_enabled > 0) and ($custom_fields=='YES') )
$CF_list_id = $export_list_id[$i];
if ($export_entry_list_id[$i] > 99)
{$CF_list_id = $export_entry_list_id[$i];}
$stmt="SHOW TABLES LIKE \"custom_$CF_list_id\";";
if ($DB>0) {echo "$stmt";}
$rslt=mysql_query($stmt, $link);
$tablecount_to_print = mysql_num_rows($rslt);
if ($tablecount_to_print > 0)
$stmt = "describe custom_$CF_list_id;";
$rslt=mysql_query($stmt, $link);
if ($DB) {echo "$stmt\n";}
$columns_ct = mysql_num_rows($rslt);
while ($columns_ct > $u)
$column = $row[0];
if ($u > 0)
{$CFheader .= "\t$column";}
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