Phone number format

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Phone number format

Postby geoffers1 » Mon May 20, 2013 5:52 am

Hi. I think I need some help in sorting out my phone number format. This is UK based calling to UK numbers only.

For outbound calling all my data is imported from Excel in the format 01202123456. My campaigns are set to Dial Prefix=9, Manual Dial Prefix=9, Omit Phone Code=N.

The dial plan I have in my carrier setup is this:
exten => _944X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _944X.,2,Dial(SIP/${Exten:3}@Node4,,tToR)
exten => _944X.,3,Hangup

All outbound calling works fine, either manual or auto dialling.

Inbound calling works, passes the calls to an agent, no issues there.

However, the phone number format presented on the agents screen for the incoming call is 44202123456. As this number doesn't exist in any of the lists I have created it is not bringing the clients information up on the agents screen, plus they can't lead search on that phone number unless they enter a pause state.

So my question is, in order to get the incoming client information displayed I need to enter my data into the lists in the format 44202123456. What will I need to change my dial plan to in order to continue placing outbound calls? And would I need to change the campaign details I've setup above?

Does that make any sense? Many thanks.
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Re: Phone number format

Postby gardo » Tue May 21, 2013 6:12 pm

If you're dialing the number 44202123456 you just need minor modifications to your dialplan:

exten => _944X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _944X.,2,Dial(SIP/${Exten:3}@Node4,,tToR)
exten => _944X.,3,Hangup


exten => _944X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _944X.,2,Dial(SIP/${Exten:1}@Node4,,tToR)
exten => _944X.,3,Hangup

Your current dialplan with {Exten:3} takes out the first 3 digits from the phone number. So if you dial 944202123456, this takes out 944 and you just dial 202123456. With {Exten:1} you just take out the first digit which is 9. So if you dial 944202123456, the system will dial 44202123456.
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Re: Phone number format

Postby geoffers1 » Thu May 23, 2013 3:47 am

Hi Gardo,

Thanks for that information. So looking at how my numbers are stored in the system, i.e. the full british dialling format of 01202123456 and I'm not ignoring the dial code of 44 and dialling 9, my dial plan is dialling exactly what I need, 01202123456 and not 94401202565500 as it's missing off the first 3 digits (Exten:3). Am I on the right lines?

When a call comes in and is placed with an agent, the phone field is populated with 441202123456 as supplied from our VOIP provider. As this number doesnt exist in that field in the database, no client details are displayed for the clients.

In order to dial via our VOIP provider i have to present the number as 01202123456, which our setup does. If I dial 441202123456 I receive and error "No route to destination"

So my question really is, how do I store the numbers in the database as 441202123456 but pass them to the dialler as 01202123456?

Thanks for any help. Up to now this hasn't been an issue as we've been outbound only, but we've no started taking inbound calls and this is causing me an issue.
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Re: Phone number format

Postby striker » Thu May 23, 2013 4:36 am

you need to use

exten => _944X.,1,AGI(agi://
exten => _944X.,2,Dial(SIP/0${Exten:2}@Node4,,tToR)
exten => _944X.,3,Hangup

if the db number is 441202123456 so while dialling 44 will be discarded and 0 will be added in front
you need to put X as dialprefix in campaign. Telegram/skype id : striker24x7
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Re: Phone number format

Postby geoffers1 » Thu May 23, 2013 5:36 am

Thanks striker.

I'll give that a go and see what happens.
Go AutoDial CE 2.1
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Re: Phone number format

Postby geoffers1 » Tue May 28, 2013 6:55 am

I gave that a go Striker, and although it still carries on dialling out, incoming calls placed with an agent still don't bring up the client details even though the phone numbers now match. Is there something else I'm missing in order to bring the client details up for incoming calls?
Go AutoDial CE 2.1
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Re: Phone number format

Postby striker » Tue May 28, 2013 7:10 am

what option you gave in DID for In-Group Call Handle Method:

click the help button for more information.
CID will add a new lead record with every call using the CallerID as the phone number,
CIDLOOKUP will attempt to lookup the phone number by the CallerID in the entire system, Telegram/skype id : striker24x7
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Re: Phone number format

Postby geoffers1 » Tue May 28, 2013 7:19 am

That's got it. Thank you so much!
Go AutoDial CE 2.1
Version: 2.4-309a
Build: 110430-1642
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