Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

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Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Mon May 20, 2013 6:40 pm


VERSION: 2.4-309a, BUILD: 110430-1642, GoAutoDial CE 2.1, 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.goPAE (SMP), Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, Single Machine

After finished the installation for vicibox 4.0.3, I am facing an error while booting the machine:

Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

While doing installation at the machine (to be fresh installation), I faced a warnings:

insserv: warning: script 'suse_studio_custom' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: Default-Start undefined, assuming default start runlevel(s) for script 'suse_studio_custom'

Actually, I did not verify my .iso image with the .MD5 file (and really I do not know from where to get this .MD5 file that can be used with vicibox to do the verification .. HOW?) . Is it required to resolve this problem? Or this problem is normal thing and I should not be afraid from it?

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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Tue May 21, 2013 7:22 am

I did MD5 checksum for the iso and it is the same. So, no problem in the download.

What I need to know, is it normal thing this warning or I have to take care for it? Because I do not need to continue in the work and in the end to cause for me issues. Please I need help and advise.

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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby mflorell » Wed May 22, 2013 5:30 am

You mention both goautodial and vicibox. Which one are you using?
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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Wed May 22, 2013 5:41 am

I was having goautodial, I bring new hard desk and did installation for vicibox .. The problem that I am facing is related to vicibox indtallation.

By the way: I am able to login and when I do any configuration, I can see it at asterisk 1.8.21

So, is this LSB error important? Is it related to opensuse? What could be its effecting?

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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby Kumba » Wed May 22, 2013 12:50 pm

If you have asterisk v.1.8.21 on a ViciBox v.4.0 install then you have done something special. Asterisk v.1.8 is only in the upcoming ViciBox v.5.0. You had to manually search out the repository, add it, and install it. So what else have you done that isn't part of the standard install that is being left out?

You more then likely need to look at the actual logs to see why it won't start. I am guessing you have configuration errors. Missing LSB tags in a script that is only run once when the system installs (the suse_studio_custom script) is not your issue. Start sifting through logs to find out what is not starting. Or running the vicidial init script manually by typing /etc/init.d/vicidial

You should also make sure no other screens with asterisk in the name are running when you try to start vicidial.
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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Wed May 22, 2013 6:52 pm

Maybe the reason of the problem that I removed the asterisk 1.4 and the DAHDI that is installed by the vicibox and I installed the latest DAHDI and asterisk 1.8.21-vici and then I did the installation using vicibox-install. Could be? If yes, how I can overcome this without need to re-install from beginning?

So what else have you done that isn't part of the standard install that is being left out?

mmmm, I removed the asterisk 1.4 that come with the installation and I think I removed maybe some AGI .. I am not sure. Can I have any method to do recovery for the AGIs? Or, removing the asterisk 1.4 that is coming with vicibox caused this trouble?

Missing LSB tags in a script that is only run once when the system installs (the suse_studio_custom script) is not your issue.

Maybe this is happening because I did what I mentioned above?

You should also make sure no other screens with asterisk in the name are running when you try to start vicidial.

Sorry, I did not understand this, can you explain?

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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Thu May 23, 2013 11:50 am

OK, I re-installed at one machine and the error is no more appearing, I used this time the following sequence:
1) Normal Installation for vicibox 4.0.3
2) Installing latest DAHDI version then Asterisk 1.8.21-vici-beta and I changed the version at the Admin --> Servers to be 1.8.21-vici-beta.

I did one test, I created one Phone from Vicidial and I found this Phone configuration existed in the sip-vicidial.conf file.

But I have one problem now, I did not see any entries created in the manager.conf and that is why I do not see the parsing manager logs at the asterisk consol. I did a lot of checking in the vicidial settings that is related to the manager user configuration to see if there is any thing needs to be enabled to generate these users in the manager.conf file, but did not file. So, do I have to generate it manually or there is a method or script for this?

By the way, in the previous installation that generated the mentioned above error, I was able to see the manager logs at the asterisk CLI after did database migration. What is the story of this database migration? I restore the database that was taken from goautodial (which has astguiclient version 2.4) and I applied the upgrading script to upgrade the database from 2.4 to 2.8. This thing let me think if the manager.conf configuration are built by adding something in the database? Is it?
But the above mentioned error not related to the database migration, because the error was appearing before doing the migration.

Note: this warning stayed appearing:

insserv: warning: script 'suse_studio_custom' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: Default-Start undefined, assuming default start runlevel(s) for script `suse_studio_custom'

Any help?
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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Thu May 23, 2013 12:17 pm

OK resolved the manager.conf configuration.
What I have to do is to set Rebuild=Y (from admin --> server) and submit. Then I have to change the server version from admin --> server.

But the LSB starting error is appearing again.
What logs I have to see? From where I can enable the proper logging to check this issue?
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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Thu May 23, 2013 6:42 pm

OK the problem that is related to Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit has been resolved.
What was the reason of the problem? The answer is: I have not to generate asterisk initialization script using make config, it is because there is a vicidiat script existed under /etc/init.d/ that starts automatically asterisk, what was happening that asterisk was starting using asterisk init script and then when it come the turn for vicidial script and while it is starting the services and reaching for asterisk service to be started, it is causing an error to occur because asterisk already started. So, the problem resolved by removing the asterisk script.

But now I am checking the story of the manager.conf and if it is generated when it is written the server version 1.4 and it is not generating if the server version is 1.8, actually I am doing now checking to know the exactly scenario (and to check if the problem of generating the manager.conf configuration is was related to starting the vicidial call center suit "the above problem"). I will post the result.

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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby bghayad » Sat May 25, 2013 6:14 am

The manager.conf and the Admin --> Servers Information:

As I understand that changing the username of the manager user or the manager update or .. etc, it will not change this in the manager.conf and it seems this is a normal thing. And that means, we have to put the configuration in the manager.conf and then put the same thing in the Admin --> Servers, right?

But how the manager.conf is built? Is it via a script? When this script will be executed and how to change these information without being overwrite by the script or any other automatic method?

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Re: Failed to start LSB: Vicidial Call Center Suit

Postby williamconley » Sat May 25, 2013 3:18 pm

manager.conf is a static file. never gets changed by vicidial scripts.
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