Please Please Please Help me to resolve this problem.
i am writing a auto installation script for trix and vicidial and a very clear document with screen shots. Please help me to do this.
i am seriously working on this project i want to do some thing line qmailrocks. i have dedicated 3 servers only for this testing.
i need your help for this project which will be helpful for all.
i know we can do this.
My Campain is not in Auto mode. So when i press on Dial Next Number. my softphone is not responding. and there is no updates in my asterisk log.
if i press again for "Call Agent Again" it again tries to connect but no responce. after some time a popup says "Call time out Contact ur Admin"
if i dail any number directly from my softphone i can able to dial.
Steps what i have Done:
i have downloaded and installed iso image of trixbox latest version 2.0 beta.
1. yum -y update
2. installed perl modules.
perl -MCPAN -e shell
- install MD5
- install Digest::MD5
- install Digest::SHA1
- install readline
- install Bundle::CPAN
- reload cpan
- install DBI
- force install DBD::mysql
- install Net::Telnet
- install Time::HiRes
- install OLE::Storage_Lite
- install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel
- cd /usr/src/
- wget
http://asterisk.gnuinter.net/files/aste ... .09.tar.gz
- gunzip asterisk-perl-0.09.tar.gz
- tar xvf asterisk-perl-0.09.tar
- cd asterisk-perl-0.09
- perl Makefile.PL
- make all
- make install
3. copied the 3 files from web to /etc/asterisk/ folder with the below names
4. edited extensions_custom.conf
my extensions_custom.conf starting 5 lines are below
#include vicidial_extensions.conf
Include => default
#include extensions_trixbox.conf
#include extensions_hud.conf
5. modifed extensions.conf macro-dialout-trunk
my extension.conf macro-dailout-trunk
;;;;;;;; start line 257 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
exten => s,13,GotoIf($["${custom}" = "AMP"]?17)
exten => s,14,AGI(call_log.agi,${EXTEN})
exten => s,15,Dial(${OUT_${ARG1}}/${OUTNUM},120,${TRUNK_OPTIONS}) ; Regular Trunk Dial
exten => s,16,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
; This is a custom trunk. Substitute $OUTNUM$ with the actual number and rebuild the dialstring
; example trunks: "AMP:CAPI/XXXXXXXX:b$OUTNUM$,30,r", "AMP:OH323/$OUTNUM$@XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXX"
exten => s,17,Set(pre_num=${CUT(OUT_${ARG1},$,1)})
exten => s,18,Set(the_num=${CUT(OUT_${ARG1},$,2)}) ; this is where we expect to find string OUTNUM
exten => s,19,Set(post_num=${CUT(OUT_${ARG1},$,3)})
exten => s,20,GotoIf($["${the_num}" = "OUTNUM"]?21:22) ; if we didn't find "OUTNUM", then skip to Dial
exten => s,21,Set(the_num=${OUTNUM}) ; replace "OUTNUM" with the actual number to dial
exten => s,22,Dial(${pre_num:4}${the_num}${post_num},120,${TRUNK_OPTIONS})
exten => s,23,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)
;;;;;;;; end line 270 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
6. edited extension.conf
my extensions.conf end 5 lines are below
;this is where parked calls go if they time-out. Should probably re-ring
;include => ext-local
;exten => s,1,Playback(vm-goodbye)
;exten => s,2,Macro(hangupcall)
7. i logged in to freepbx for the first time and i enabled the modules from tools ---> Module Admin
8. I enabled the "o" option in Freepbx ---> Setup ----> General Settings
Asterisk Dial command options: rTto
Asterisk Outbound Dial command options: rTto
saved the above settings.
9. i have copied the vicidail.txt file in to my root folder. and I changed all the IPs to
10. I created vicidial database
# mysqladmin -u root -p
mysql> create database vicidial;
mysql> use vicidial;
mysql> \. /root/vicidail.txt
mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on vicidial.* TO cron@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '1234';
mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE on vicidial.* TO cron@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '1234';
mysql> GRANT SELECT on vicidial.phones TO idcheck@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '1234';
mysql> GRANT SELECT on vicidial.phones TO idcheck@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '1234';
i have executed vicidail.txt without any errors and all 47 tables got created.
11. i installed the below packages for astguiclient
# yum -y install screen
for webmin i have downloaded from webmin.com and installed the RPM.
# mkdir /usr/src/astguiclient
# cd /usr/src/astguiclient
# wget
http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sour ... _2.0.1.zip
# unzip astguiclient_2.0.1.zip
# perl install.pl
i have falowed the installation procedure and i have given database name as "vicidial" and httpRoot as "/var/www/html"
12. i have updated the crontab with the below command and inserted the below values in to it.
# crontab -e
################Cron entry########################
### recording mixing for Asterisk run every 5 minutes
1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * 1,2,3,4,5,6 root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_CRON_mix_recordings_BASIC.pl
### keepalive script for Asterisk updaters
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_keepalive_AST_update.pl
### keepalive script for Asterisk manager queue system
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_keepalive_AST_send_listen.pl
### keepalive script for Asterisk VICIDIAL autodial system
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_keepalive_AST_VDautodial.pl
### keepalive script for VICIDIAL remote agents
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_keepalive_AST_VDremote_agents.pl
### kill Hangup script for Asterisk updaters
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_manager_kill_hung_congested.pl
### updater for voicemail
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_vm_update.pl
### updater for conference validator
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_conf_update.pl
### flush queue DB table every hour for entries older than 1 hour
11 * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_flush_DBqueue.pl -q
### fix the vicidial_agent_log once every hour
33 * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_cleanup_agent_log.pl
### updater for VICIDIAL hopper
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_VDhopper.pl -q
### adjust the GMT offset for the leads in the vicidial_list table
1 1 * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_adjust_GMTnow_on_leads.pl --debug
### reset several temporary-info tables in the database
2 1 * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_reset_mysql_vars.pl
### optimize the database tables within the asterisk database
3 1 * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_DB_optimize.pl
## adjust time on the server with ntp
30 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/ntpdate -u 2>/dev/null 1>&2
### VICIDIAL agent time log weekly summary report generation
2 0 * * 0 root /usr/share/astguiclient/AST_agent_week.pl
### keepalive script for VICIDIAL predictive script
* * * * * root /usr/share/astguiclient/ADMIN_keepalive_AST_VDadapt.pl
################Cron entry########################
13. i have created a SIP trunk in freepbx which will connect to my VOIP Service provider.
freepbs ---> Setup ----> Trunks ---> Add SIP Trunk
14. i have created a Outbound Route and selected the above created trunk in Trunk Sequence
freepbs ---> Setup ----> Outbound Routes
my Dial pattern is:
15. now i creared a extension using freepbx ---> Setup ---> Extensions ---> SIP
SIP Extension: 786
context : default
16. i have not configured inbound calling.
17. by default there is 2 CAMPAIGN in the Database of vicidial.
21 testing Y NEW MODIFY
22 test3961 Y N DROP MODIFY
18. i have created a list with 101 ID, test01 as name and assigned to CAMPAIGN ID 21.
101 test01 21 Y MODIFY
19. i logged in to the VICIDIAL and i created a user 786.
20. i have logged in to astguiclient/admin.php and i created a phone 786
Note: at this point i have a extension 786 and user 786 and phone 786
21. i have added the leads of scratch_install Document using mysql prompt and changed the phone numbers to my own numbers.
# mysql -u cron -p
mysql> use vicidial;
insert into vicidial_list values('','2004-01-06','','NEW','','','TEST01','101','TESTCAMP','N','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','lead01','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','USA','M','1970-01-01','','test@test.com','suprise','comments go here','0');
insert into vicidial_list values('','2004-01-06','','NEW','','','TEST01','101','TESTCAMP','N','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','lead02','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','USA','M','1970-01-01','','test@test.com','suprise','comments go here','0');
insert into vicidial_list values('','2004-01-07','','NEW','','','TEST01','101','TESTCAMP','N','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','lead03','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','USA','M','1970-01-01','','test@test.com','suprise','comments go here','0');
insert into vicidial_list values('','2004-01-07','','NEW','','','TEST01','101','TESTCAMP','N','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','lead04','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','USA','M','1970-01-01','','test@test.com','suprise','comments go here','0');
insert into vicidial_list values('','2004-01-07','','NEW','','','TEST01','101','TESTCAMP','N','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','lead05','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','USA','M','1970-01-01','','test@test.com','suprise','comments go here','0');
insert into vicidial_list values('','2004-01-07','','NEW','','','TEST01','101','TESTCAMP','N','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','lead06','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','USA','M','1970-01-01','','test@test.com','suprise','comments go here','0');
insert into vicidial_list values('','2004-01-07','','NEW','','','TEST01','101','TESTCAMP','N','1','7275551212','Mr','Matt','X','lead07','1234 Fake St.','','','Clearwater','FL','','33760','USA','M','1970-01-01','','test@test.com','suprise','comments go here','0');
22. I edited /usr/sbin/amportal script and per the suggestion.
my /usr/sbin/amportal script from line 165 to 179
#################amportal script##################
# run_asterisk
sleep 1
# run_asterisk
#################amportal script##################
23. i dont have any zaptel device. so i dint changed rc.local file.
24. i have rebooted the system and executed " asterisk -r "
25. according to "STEP 21" i have logged in to my SIP phone (X-light) with 786 extension. and asterisk log updateed me that 786 user is registered.
26. now logged in to
Up to this point everything is fine.
27. My Campain is not in Auto mode. So when i press on Dial Next Number. my softphone is not responding. and there is no updates in my asterisk log.
if i press again for "Call Agent Again" it again tries to connect but no responce. after some time a popup says "Call time out Contact ur Admin"
28. if i dail any number directly from my softphone i can able to dial.
Please Please Please Help me to resolve this problem.
i am writing a auto installation script for trix and vicidial and a very clear document with screen shots. Please help me to do this.
i am seriously working on this project i want to do some thing line qmailrocks. i have dedicated 3 servers only for this testing.
i need your help for this project which will be helpful for all.
i know we can do this.
******* Teach to Learn *********
Thanks & Regards,